1267 rank

267,270,232 points

54,830 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cth19777    STALKERS
Cirgard 1267 Cth19777 STALKERS 267,270,232 54,830
Cth19777    For challenges only
Odhrorvar 2878 Cth19777 For challenges only 63,266,892 19,756
Cth19777    Guild for challenges
Parkog 3362 Cth19777 Guild for challenges 43,853,985 16,924
Cth19777    challenges only
Vingrid 3533 Cth19777 challenges only 40,560,590 15,651
Cth19777    Oligarchy
Arvahall 4805 Cth19777 Oligarchy 40,332,571 16,710
Cth19777    The Kingdom
Yorkton 3829 Cth19777 The Kingdom 27,916,732 12,536