2525 rank

86,299,784 points

137,997 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Melina 760 the Daring    Forge Rush
Arvahall 12 Melina 760 the Daring Forge Rush 3,810,286,215 898,914
Melina 760 the Daring    Sand Box
Houndsmoor 889 Melina 760 the Daring Sand Box 364,083,213 207,843
Melina 760 the Daring    Dauntless
Dunarsund 1705 Melina 760 the Daring Dauntless 174,768,816 97,773
Melina 760 the Daring    Heart of the Rift
Cirgard 2525 Melina 760 the Daring Heart of the Rift 86,299,784 137,997
Melina 760 the Daring    Sherwood Forest
Korch 3722 Melina 760 the Daring Sherwood Forest 38,986,337 50,373