4141 rank

31,666,514 points

11,718 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rhea 683 the Warrior    INTREPID
Cirgard 4141 Rhea 683 the Warrior INTREPID 31,666,514 11,718
Rhea 683 the Warrior    House of Dragons
Dunarsund 5979 Rhea 683 the Warrior House of Dragons 14,154,530 7,678
Rhea 683 the Warrior    Asgard
Greifental 6549 Rhea 683 the Warrior Asgard 8,979,982 6,534
Rhea 683 the Warrior   
Vingrid 6060 Rhea 683 the Warrior 8,740,533 6,879
Rhea 683 the Warrior    Gondolins Outback
Houndsmoor 6953 Rhea 683 the Warrior Gondolins Outback 8,697,514 6,332
Rhea 683 the Warrior    Santi Della Rosa
Jaims 6604 Rhea 683 the Warrior Santi Della Rosa 7,760,779 6,159
Rhea 683 the Warrior   
Parkog 6605 Rhea 683 the Warrior 6,227,299 5,674