12175 rank

723,407 points

2,203 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Forg3r    ICHIBAN
Birka 3710 Forg3r ICHIBAN 9,838,196 8,165
Forg3r    ICHIBAN
Carthage 3561 Forg3r ICHIBAN 4,509,401 6,110
Forg3r    Forg3rs
Angkor 9480 Forg3r Forg3rs 940,658 3,813
Forg3r    ICHIBAN
Cirgard 12175 Forg3r ICHIBAN 723,407 2,203
Forg3r    Forg3rs of 3mpir3s
Zorskog 12249 Forg3r Forg3rs of 3mpir3s 280,441 648