6624 rank

9,434,019 points

5,086 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Adahat The Healer    PDF
Cirgard 6624 Adahat The Healer PDF 9,434,019 5,086
Adahat The Healer   
Arvahall 8267 Adahat The Healer 8,675,231 4,814
Adahat The Healer   
Yorkton 6146 Adahat The Healer 7,402,029 5,698
Adahat The Healer   
Mount Killmore 9245 Adahat The Healer 3,148,472 3,451
Adahat The Healer    Oldtimers
Rugnir 9656 Adahat The Healer Oldtimers 1,167,022 1,654
Adahat The Healer   
Xyr 21154 Adahat The Healer 22,005 82