1007 rank

344,301,399 points

67,590 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sheik Yerbouti    ƊЄƔƖԼ'S☠ ƦЄƊЄЄMЄƦS
Cirgard 1007 Sheik Yerbouti ƊЄƔƖԼ'S☠ ƦЄƊЄЄMЄƦS 344,301,399 67,590
Sheik Yerbouti    The Guide
East-Nagach 4478 Sheik Yerbouti The Guide 30,734,294 4,865
Sheik Yerbouti    ToInfinity&Beyond
Angkor 3424 Sheik Yerbouti ToInfinity&Beyond 26,330,999 4,169
Sheik Yerbouti    S"mine
Zorskog 3631 Sheik Yerbouti S"mine 25,109,935 4,203
Sheik Yerbouti    •• YOU’RE AWESOME ••
Jaims 4548 Sheik Yerbouti •• YOU’RE AWESOME •• 23,350,352 4,115