12113 rank

777,543 points

1,355 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Phillip Bozarth    SOLIDARITY
Arvahall 8590 Phillip Bozarth SOLIDARITY 6,850,499 2,146
Phillip Bozarth    SOLIDARITY
Korch 8465 Phillip Bozarth SOLIDARITY 2,623,057 2,219
Phillip Bozarth    SOLIDARITY
Greifental 8722 Phillip Bozarth SOLIDARITY 2,611,566 1,881
Phillip Bozarth    Nordic Nobility
Brisgard 11175 Phillip Bozarth Nordic Nobility 1,586,540 1,483
Phillip Bozarth    Jtown
Houndsmoor 10492 Phillip Bozarth Jtown 1,484,306 1,606
Phillip Bozarth    Knights of Valhalla
Fel Dranghyr 10618 Phillip Bozarth Knights of Valhalla 1,126,979 1,286
Phillip Bozarth    StarWeavers
East-Nagach 11054 Phillip Bozarth StarWeavers 1,118,148 1,276
Phillip Bozarth    just for fun two
Jaims 10307 Phillip Bozarth just for fun two 1,114,699 1,219
Phillip Bozarth    Just4fun2018
Dunarsund 12074 Phillip Bozarth Just4fun2018 883,461 1,280
Phillip Bozarth    Fair Trade
Cirgard 12113 Phillip Bozarth Fair Trade 777,543 1,355