77 rank

2,287,872,728 points

525,747 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
NephthysaurusRex    Nephy
Cirgard 77 NephthysaurusRex Nephy 2,287,872,728 525,747
NephthysaurusRex    NEPHY
Greifental 3035 NephthysaurusRex NEPHY 63,331,194 17,051
NephthysaurusRex    Nephy
East-Nagach 3233 NephthysaurusRex Nephy 63,090,010 13,468
NephthysaurusRex    Nephy
Brisgard 3596 NephthysaurusRex Nephy 55,267,752 11,502
NephthysaurusRex    Mothers of Anubis
Arvahall 4733 NephthysaurusRex Mothers of Anubis 40,129,404 5,880
NephthysaurusRex    Angels W Dirty Faces
Dunarsund 4980 NephthysaurusRex Angels W Dirty Faces 24,666,333 4,286
NephthysaurusRex    Not Caring
Qunrir 5967 NephthysaurusRex Not Caring 9,980,969 2,595
NephthysaurusRex    DARK KA
Vingrid 7117 NephthysaurusRex DARK KA 5,215,262 1,790