5971 rank

13,547,632 points

5,672 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tacitus 670 the Strong    Salara
Greifental 5696 Tacitus 670 the Strong Salara 14,104,161 4,777
Tacitus 670 the Strong    Spartan Nation
Cirgard 5971 Tacitus 670 the Strong Spartan Nation 13,547,632 5,672
Tacitus 670 the Strong    wolf Den
Qunrir 5741 Tacitus 670 the Strong wolf Den 11,238,444 4,596
Tacitus 670 the Strong    Invicta
Vingrid 5794 Tacitus 670 the Strong Invicta 10,608,853 4,450
Tacitus 670 the Strong    Silver Tip
Houndsmoor 6792 Tacitus 670 the Strong Silver Tip 10,121,429 5,096
Tacitus 670 the Strong    Dark Knights
Sinerania 5736 Tacitus 670 the Strong Dark Knights 10,094,595 4,795
Tacitus 670 the Strong    The Establishment
Walstrand 5619 Tacitus 670 the Strong The Establishment 9,825,148 4,449
Tacitus 670 the Strong    Bone Crushers
Angkor 5248 Tacitus 670 the Strong Bone Crushers 9,611,412 4,959