10796 rank

1,307,432 points

369 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Amitis 1173 the Daring    snake
Cirgard 10796 Amitis 1173 the Daring snake 1,307,432 369
Amitis 1173 the Daring    Strike Squad
Langendorn 9820 Amitis 1173 the Daring Strike Squad 1,171,812 477
Amitis 1173 the Daring    AEVL
Greifental 10604 Amitis 1173 the Daring AEVL 1,025,834 336
Amitis 1173 the Daring    Sinners and Saints
Houndsmoor 11520 Amitis 1173 the Daring Sinners and Saints 961,168 356