8874 rank

3,365,369 points

2,150 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mike-the-best-ever    American Badass
Langendorn 6823 Mike-the-best-ever American Badass 6,694,838 2,748
Mike-the-best-ever    nIGHT rIDERS
Dilmun 2665 Mike-the-best-ever nIGHT rIDERS 4,288,512 1,900
Mike-the-best-ever    Swords of Excalibur
Cirgard 8874 Mike-the-best-ever Swords of Excalibur 3,365,369 2,150
Mike-the-best-ever    Illegitimi non Carbo
Vingrid 10615 Mike-the-best-ever Illegitimi non Carbo 779,602 589