4288 rank

31,677,193 points

13,506 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
junky7    SereneChaos Warriors
East-Nagach 3827 junky7 SereneChaos Warriors 43,786,521 13,631
junky7    Trader's Hub
Mount Killmore 3967 junky7 Trader's Hub 39,720,744 15,573
junky7    The United Lords
Uceria 3746 junky7 The United Lords 34,901,887 14,761
junky7    💎 Farmers
Dunarsund 4323 junky7 💎 Farmers 34,025,826 11,567
junky7    Lycanthropes
Parkog 3706 junky7 Lycanthropes 33,751,318 15,071
junky7    WareHouse13
Arvahall 5223 junky7 WareHouse13 32,228,404 13,850
junky7    Evolution
Cirgard 4288 junky7 Evolution 31,677,193 13,506
junky7    Holbrek
Fel Dranghyr 4237 junky7 Holbrek 31,191,670 12,497
junky7    Raiders of pie
Langendorn 4056 junky7 Raiders of pie 30,267,484 12,216
junky7    Canis Lupus
Houndsmoor 4613 junky7 Canis Lupus 28,086,768 12,521
junky7    💎 Farmers
Tuulech 5737 junky7 💎 Farmers 10,368,570 10,569