58 rank

2,724,889,426 points

616,120 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ilegorostieta    Followers of Christ
Odhrorvar 35 ilegorostieta Followers of Christ 3,177,906,245 769,804
ilegorostieta    ƊЄƔƖԼ'S☠ ƦЄƊЄЄMЄƦS
Cirgard 58 ilegorostieta ƊЄƔƖԼ'S☠ ƦЄƊЄЄMЄƦS 2,724,889,426 616,120
ilegorostieta    The Trade Federation
Greifental 2067 ilegorostieta The Trade Federation 121,094,908 77,164
ilegorostieta    UTOPIA
Arvahall 2799 ilegorostieta UTOPIA 106,286,287 57,355