12667 rank

595,934 points

822 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Atashi the faithful    Budeeze Bandits
Vingrid 10249 Atashi the faithful Budeeze Bandits 930,940 1,113
Atashi the faithful    Roving Fukz
Houndsmoor 12422 Atashi the faithful Roving Fukz 673,782 851
Atashi the faithful    Roving Fukz
Dunarsund 12936 Atashi the faithful Roving Fukz 613,892 777
Atashi the faithful    Roving Fukz
Cirgard 12667 Atashi the faithful Roving Fukz 595,934 822
Atashi the faithful   
Rugnir 13063 Atashi the faithful 227,056 385