5920 rank

11,597,468 points

4,070 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ancient52    No. 1 FOE Guild
Cirgard 5920 Ancient52 No. 1 FOE Guild 11,597,468 4,070
Ancient52    new
Odhrorvar 5793 Ancient52 new 9,321,669 3,726
Ancient52    MOG
Parkog 6969 Ancient52 MOG 4,697,499 2,889
Ancient52    Wolf Den
Sinerania 7120 Ancient52 Wolf Den 4,344,611 2,333
Ancient52    People of the people
Tuulech 7190 Ancient52 People of the people 3,860,365 2,506
Ancient52    Curmudgeons
Rugnir 7399 Ancient52 Curmudgeons 3,797,843 2,668
Ancient52    hestia's hearth
Birka 4824 Ancient52 hestia's hearth 3,628,883 2,242
Ancient52    Cold Steel
Noarsil 11674 Ancient52 Cold Steel 494,978 614