9138 rank

2,950,140 points

2,250 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iris 1289 the White    Nevermore
Jaims 8173 Iris 1289 the White Nevermore 3,527,073 2,754
Iris 1289 the White    Nevermore
Cirgard 9138 Iris 1289 the White Nevermore 2,950,140 2,250
Iris 1289 the White    Forevermore
Fel Dranghyr 8870 Iris 1289 the White Forevermore 2,677,844 2,402
Iris 1289 the White    Caustic Requiem
Yorkton 8194 Iris 1289 the White Caustic Requiem 2,500,797 2,577
Iris 1289 the White    Benificence
Birka 5703 Iris 1289 the White Benificence 2,438,675 2,431
Iris 1289 the White    Rebels
Walstrand 7938 Iris 1289 the White Rebels 2,371,076 2,106
Iris 1289 the White    CouncleOfAverhal
Arvahall 13419 Iris 1289 the White CouncleOfAverhal 1,152,302 1,755