2000 rank

136,883,917 points

127,261 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tiger69    TITANS
Sinerania 1478 Tiger69 TITANS 181,263,199 222,717
Tiger69    Lion’s Claw Alliance
Cirgard 2000 Tiger69 Lion’s Claw Alliance 136,883,917 127,261
Tiger69    VacaGuild
Mount Killmore 2572 Tiger69 VacaGuild 88,495,232 72,782
Tiger69    Elevate
Tuulech 2479 Tiger69 Elevate 75,187,597 86,832
Tiger69    🌎Earth's Fury🌏
Zorskog 2243 Tiger69 🌎Earth's Fury🌏 66,043,988 55,877
Tiger69    Valley of the Kings
Greifental 4160 Tiger69 Valley of the Kings 32,644,727 38,229