2049 rank

133,210,943 points

199,285 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Anacreon 1486 the Lucky    C.C. RIDERS
Dunarsund 1927 Anacreon 1486 the Lucky C.C. RIDERS 154,004,321 203,049
Anacreon 1486 the Lucky    Treasure Seekers
Noarsil 1756 Anacreon 1486 the Lucky Treasure Seekers 147,356,698 231,838
Anacreon 1486 the Lucky    Uranswer
Cirgard 2049 Anacreon 1486 the Lucky Uranswer 133,210,943 199,285
Anacreon 1486 the Lucky    Sofa Kings 👑
Houndsmoor 3457 Anacreon 1486 the Lucky Sofa Kings 👑 53,013,918 74,586