14118 rank

351,266 points

595 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Klb   
Parkog 5253 The Klb 13,007,385 8,452
The Klb   
East-Nagach 12283 The Klb 652,755 556
The Klb   
Jaims 12294 The Klb 462,051 553
The Klb   
Cirgard 14118 The Klb 351,266 595
The Klb   
Brisgard 15523 The Klb 342,752 639
The Klb   
Korch 13174 The Klb 310,244 596
The Klb    There can be only 1
Fel Dranghyr 13849 The Klb There can be only 1 289,798 693
The Klb   
Langendorn 13007 The Klb 264,270 600
The Klb   
Arvahall 18228 The Klb 247,562 566