12692 rank

601,152 points

363 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Socrates 1422 the Wicked   
Walstrand 6712 Socrates 1422 the Wicked 4,976,599 1,826
Socrates 1422 the Wicked    Ferrari 458
Cirgard 12692 Socrates 1422 the Wicked Ferrari 458 601,152 363
Socrates 1422 the Wicked    Peace and Love Guild
Fel Dranghyr 12103 Socrates 1422 the Wicked Peace and Love Guild 600,086 368
Socrates 1422 the Wicked    SLACKERS
Arvahall 17783 Socrates 1422 the Wicked SLACKERS 282,967 221