8251 rank

4,623,806 points

775 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marcus 129 the Intrepid    Rightousness Forge
Cirgard 8251 Marcus 129 the Intrepid Rightousness Forge 4,623,806 775
Marcus 129 the Intrepid    Just4Fun
Rugnir 7260 Marcus 129 the Intrepid Just4Fun 4,584,358 771
Marcus 129 the Intrepid    Guild of newbies
Arvahall 10205 Marcus 129 the Intrepid Guild of newbies 4,191,791 828
Marcus 129 the Intrepid    Hawk x
Langendorn 8626 Marcus 129 the Intrepid Hawk x 2,305,628 830