14468 rank

296,291 points

1,116 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Roderic 168 the Proud    Buds 420
Greifental 8967 Roderic 168 the Proud Buds 420 2,401,055 3,338
Roderic 168 the Proud    Unstoppables
Arvahall 15449 Roderic 168 the Proud Unstoppables 586,167 1,541
Roderic 168 the Proud    Gabriel Hounds
Brisgard 14585 Roderic 168 the Proud Gabriel Hounds 468,335 1,480
Roderic 168 the Proud    SOLDIERS
Odhrorvar 11525 Roderic 168 the Proud SOLDIERS 415,669 1,078
Roderic 168 the Proud   
Langendorn 12305 Roderic 168 the Proud 349,855 989
Roderic 168 the Proud    Dark knights
Jaims 13209 Roderic 168 the Proud Dark knights 296,412 1,184
Roderic 168 the Proud    First 2 Fight
Cirgard 14468 Roderic 168 the Proud First 2 Fight 296,291 1,116
Roderic 168 the Proud    K.O.B
Dunarsund 14754 Roderic 168 the Proud K.O.B 295,747 1,231
Roderic 168 the Proud    Alvatraz
Walstrand 11978 Roderic 168 the Proud Alvatraz 293,278 1,031
Roderic 168 the Proud    Shadow Walkers
East-Nagach 14187 Roderic 168 the Proud Shadow Walkers 287,810 1,172
Roderic 168 the Proud    Walkers
Fel Dranghyr 13807 Roderic 168 the Proud Walkers 272,951 1,166
Roderic 168 the Proud    ENJOY
Sinerania 12875 Roderic 168 the Proud ENJOY 233,763 1,093
Roderic 168 the Proud    PGA
Houndsmoor 15165 Roderic 168 the Proud PGA 228,836 1,005
Roderic 168 the Proud    Guild Knights
Zorskog 17146 Roderic 168 the Proud Guild Knights 33,817 33