12149 rank

745,743 points

835 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Chief Longfellow    L.O.S.
Dunarsund 5607 Chief Longfellow L.O.S. 18,171,640 8,522
Chief Longfellow    Libertarians
Noarsil 6649 Chief Longfellow Libertarians 6,882,718 3,711
Chief Longfellow    A Wolfpack of One
Brisgard 9738 Chief Longfellow A Wolfpack of One 3,513,159 3,326
Chief Longfellow    House Leoric
Sinerania 8490 Chief Longfellow House Leoric 1,984,894 2,537
Chief Longfellow    Kingsman
Fel Dranghyr 9655 Chief Longfellow Kingsman 1,798,340 3,185
Chief Longfellow    Owlsome Possums
Odhrorvar 9380 Chief Longfellow Owlsome Possums 1,264,836 1,987
Chief Longfellow   
Cirgard 12149 Chief Longfellow 745,743 835