14284 rank

317,620 points

504 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gilbert the crusher    Floater ina cesspool
Houndsmoor 3348 Gilbert the crusher Floater ina cesspool 56,338,382 47,313
Gilbert the crusher    TangoYankee
Brisgard 7078 Gilbert the crusher TangoYankee 11,126,092 17,468
Gilbert the crusher    DILL PICKLES
Dilmun 2159 Gilbert the crusher DILL PICKLES 7,681,537 15,987
Gilbert the crusher    Cyber Dogs
Cirgard 14284 Gilbert the crusher Cyber Dogs 317,620 504
Gilbert the crusher    FREE TRADER
Langendorn 13444 Gilbert the crusher FREE TRADER 200,807 117