19851 rank

39,416 points

86 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
silkyblack    Legion or Empires
Uceria 11487 silkyblack Legion or Empires 517,758 300
silkyblack    MAS PAZ
Dunarsund 13641 silkyblack MAS PAZ 472,900 263
silkyblack    The Hades Imperium
East-Nagach 13189 silkyblack The Hades Imperium 452,037 288
silkyblack    nice people
Houndsmoor 13660 silkyblack nice people 408,827 250
silkyblack    Dragotothej
Arvahall 18447 silkyblack Dragotothej 230,776 200
Cirgard 19851 silkyblack 39,416 86