3671 rank

44,861,853 points

20,897 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kentdog    Armada of Friends
Cirgard 3671 kentdog Armada of Friends 44,861,853 20,897
kentdog    Newbie's with teeth
Vingrid 3381 kentdog Newbie's with teeth 43,231,112 13,777
kentdog    Maggots
Fel Dranghyr 4251 kentdog Maggots 30,982,958 13,906
kentdog    🌎Twists of Fate🌎
Noarsil 6545 kentdog 🌎Twists of Fate🌎 7,349,548 16,601
kentdog    Midgets Beware
Arvahall 9860 kentdog Midgets Beware 4,839,392 11,095
kentdog    Maggots
Dunarsund 10250 kentdog Maggots 1,890,638 4,664