3613 rank

48,114,827 points

21,562 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kentdog    Armada of Friends
Cirgard 3613 kentdog Armada of Friends 48,114,827 21,562
kentdog    Newbie's with teeth
Vingrid 3296 kentdog Newbie's with teeth 47,542,462 14,486
kentdog    Maggots
Fel Dranghyr 4148 kentdog Maggots 33,478,105 14,320
kentdog    🌍Twists of Fate🌎
Noarsil 6391 kentdog 🌍Twists of Fate🌎 8,049,040 17,413
kentdog    Midgets Beware
Arvahall 9704 kentdog Midgets Beware 5,324,116 11,723
kentdog    Maggots
Dunarsund 9935 kentdog Maggots 2,221,548 5,293