16889 rank

113,776 points

98 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Captn Cully    Quiet and Peaceful
Angkor 4463 Captn Cully Quiet and Peaceful 14,599,339 6,910
Captn Cully   
Qunrir 11028 Captn Cully 577,332 593
Captn Cully   
Birka 8903 Captn Cully 369,874 302
Captn Cully   
Zorskog 11651 Captn Cully 365,300 237
Captn Cully   
Greifental 13295 Captn Cully 302,701 248
Captn Cully   
Yorkton 12862 Captn Cully 286,698 188
Captn Cully   
Cirgard 16889 Captn Cully 113,776 98
Captn Cully   
Fel Dranghyr 16803 Captn Cully 73,905 75
Captn Cully   
East-Nagach 18287 Captn Cully 49,907 73
Captn Cully   
Dunarsund 19371 Captn Cully 46,752 80