14249 rank

332,748 points

1,461 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Watts08    Watts'
Parkog 7213 Watts08 Watts' 4,337,744 5,554
Watts08    Wattville
Carthage 4257 Watts08 Wattville 1,933,291 3,386
Watts08    Watts'
Houndsmoor 12085 Watts08 Watts' 769,076 2,476
Watts08    WattVille
Korch 12025 Watts08 WattVille 495,643 2,124
Watts08    🌹 Red Rose Temple
Angkor 11277 Watts08 🌹 Red Rose Temple 414,680 1,627
Watts08    Watts'
Cirgard 14249 Watts08 Watts' 332,748 1,461
Watts08    The Green Dragon Inn
East-Nagach 13986 Watts08 The Green Dragon Inn 329,324 1,230
Watts08    big block 454
Dunarsund 16318 Watts08 big block 454 168,941 822