9605 rank

2,360,259 points

1,151 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MikeH55    NetherRealm
Arvahall 7478 MikeH55 NetherRealm 12,981,244 3,909
MikeH55    BVM
Rugnir 6199 MikeH55 BVM 8,695,610 2,258
MikeH55    Libertarians
Korch 6754 MikeH55 Libertarians 7,494,080 2,081
MikeH55    League of Nomads
Xyr 6827 MikeH55 League of Nomads 7,407,508 2,126
MikeH55    Flying Hawk
Brisgard 9739 MikeH55 Flying Hawk 3,538,333 1,477
MikeH55    Legends2.0
Tuulech 7951 MikeH55 Legends2.0 2,675,824 1,247
MikeH55    American Right
Cirgard 9605 MikeH55 American Right 2,360,259 1,151
MikeH55    Fabulous Unicorns
Qunrir 11952 MikeH55 Fabulous Unicorns 370,111 376