8339 rank

4,443,239 points

1,137 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jrjr610    Crimson Legion
Birka 4468 jrjr610 Crimson Legion 5,867,768 1,661
jrjr610    Riders on the Storm
Cirgard 8339 jrjr610 Riders on the Storm 4,443,239 1,137
jrjr610    The Lion Auror
Zorskog 6818 jrjr610 The Lion Auror 4,419,282 950
jrjr610    Warriors of Light
Dunarsund 8734 jrjr610 Warriors of Light 4,211,304 1,020
jrjr610    Mustard Seed
Arvahall 10296 jrjr610 Mustard Seed 4,023,165 1,215
jrjr610    pierce love squod
Rugnir 7488 jrjr610 pierce love squod 4,012,248 1,013