13460 rank

482,694 points

1,901 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kazzandra the Intrepid    House of Lords
Noarsil 4460 Kazzandra the Intrepid House of Lords 20,242,337 31,797
Kazzandra the Intrepid    FOE Trading Guild
Arvahall 8993 Kazzandra the Intrepid FOE Trading Guild 5,807,225 7,670
Kazzandra the Intrepid    Masada
Mount Killmore 8003 Kazzandra the Intrepid Masada 5,206,585 7,267
Kazzandra the Intrepid    Fully Unhinged
Brisgard 14536 Kazzandra the Intrepid Fully Unhinged 498,391 1,619
Kazzandra the Intrepid   
Cirgard 13460 Kazzandra the Intrepid 482,694 1,901