14540 rank

329,816 points

2,314 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
oldeforge    Ⓜ️ MegaFist 👊
Mount Killmore 52 oldeforge Ⓜ️ MegaFist 👊 1,996,441,049 517,786
oldeforge    hangin out
Greifental 3200 oldeforge hangin out 45,529,768 16,445
oldeforge    hangin out
Walstrand 4312 oldeforge hangin out 16,243,998 14,896
oldeforge    downtime
East-Nagach 10070 oldeforge downtime 1,702,671 9,468
oldeforge    Dharma is the Truth
Cirgard 14540 oldeforge Dharma is the Truth 329,816 2,314