8299 rank

4,525,777 points

2,881 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Grandpas Iron Grip    Vets & Friends
Cirgard 8299 Grandpas Iron Grip Vets & Friends 4,525,777 2,881
Grandpas Iron Grip    30+ No BS
Mount Killmore 11637 Grandpas Iron Grip 30+ No BS 1,076,012 1,337
Grandpas Iron Grip    Kingdom of Saxony
Vingrid 10934 Grandpas Iron Grip Kingdom of Saxony 672,516 1,145
Grandpas Iron Grip    Q-Hibernation
Qunrir 11068 Grandpas Iron Grip Q-Hibernation 557,485 1,248
Grandpas Iron Grip    Simple
East-Nagach 13043 Grandpas Iron Grip Simple 465,332 1,086
Grandpas Iron Grip    Explorers
Xyr 13710 Grandpas Iron Grip Explorers 341,321 622