8844 rank

3,299,385 points

1,856 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rhonda the most awesome    memememe
Walstrand 5397 rhonda the most awesome memememe 10,586,305 3,902
rhonda the most awesome    justmerg
Jaims 7690 rhonda the most awesome justmerg 4,531,453 1,948
rhonda the most awesome    builders22
Tuulech 7543 rhonda the most awesome builders22 3,383,110 1,754
rhonda the most awesome    rtma
Cirgard 8844 rhonda the most awesome rtma 3,299,385 1,856
rhonda the most awesome    rsguild
Arvahall 10837 rhonda the most awesome rsguild 3,014,335 1,796
rhonda the most awesome    randr22
Parkog 8314 rhonda the most awesome randr22 2,166,036 1,538