14342 rank

322,619 points

212 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tocs    Kings on the rise
Arvahall 16036 tocs Kings on the rise 491,319 232
tocs    kings on the rise
Fel Dranghyr 13019 tocs kings on the rise 405,825 171
tocs    Kings on the rise
East-Nagach 13512 tocs Kings on the rise 397,514 169
tocs    Kings on the rise
Brisgard 15090 tocs Kings on the rise 397,286 193
tocs    kings on the rise
Dunarsund 14183 tocs kings on the rise 391,945 180
tocs    Kings on the rise
Cirgard 14342 tocs Kings on the rise 322,619 212
tocs    kings on the rise
Greifental 13797 tocs kings on the rise 251,014 176
tocs    King on the rise
Jaims 13794 tocs King on the rise 242,920 154
tocs    king on the rise
Houndsmoor 15316 tocs king on the rise 225,354 109
tocs    King on the rise
Tuulech 14842 tocs King on the rise 84,588 91