5998 rank

15,056,288 points

10,934 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Adam 2040 the Fearless    Polar Pints 🍻🍺
Brisgard 380 Adam 2040 the Fearless Polar Pints 🍻🍺 875,262,308 164,599
Adam 2040 the Fearless    Ordo Templi Orientis
Tuulech 4102 Adam 2040 the Fearless Ordo Templi Orientis 25,883,220 13,920
Adam 2040 the Fearless    The Lost Battalion
Dunarsund 5998 Adam 2040 the Fearless The Lost Battalion 15,056,288 10,934
Adam 2040 the Fearless    Old Farts
East-Nagach 5943 Adam 2040 the Fearless Old Farts 14,643,124 10,801