11029 rank

1,322,828 points

1,877 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seamus the Dread    Oachkätzlschwoaf
Langendorn 2392 Seamus the Dread Oachkätzlschwoaf 88,604,495 52,165
Seamus the Dread    Urachtaler
Jaims 3249 Seamus the Dread Urachtaler 51,101,956 23,534
Seamus the Dread    Woiga
Greifental 9991 Seamus the Dread Woiga 1,383,058 1,429
Seamus the Dread    Die Krüner
Dunarsund 11029 Seamus the Dread Die Krüner 1,322,828 1,877