4708 rank

28,513,259 points

48,048 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bishop Odo    Crusaders
Arvahall 2828 Bishop Odo Crusaders 105,682,886 85,861
Bishop Odo    🙏New Jerusalem🙏
Mount Killmore 3691 Bishop Odo 🙏New Jerusalem🙏 46,857,598 53,190
Bishop Odo    Followers of Christ
Houndsmoor 4506 Bishop Odo Followers of Christ 29,792,173 46,385
Bishop Odo    Abbey Rogue
Dunarsund 4708 Bishop Odo Abbey Rogue 28,513,259 48,048
Bishop Odo    Christian Warriors
Walstrand 5070 Bishop Odo Christian Warriors 13,218,303 22,860
Bishop Odo    Christian Warriors
Korch 5964 Bishop Odo Christian Warriors 11,224,253 22,123
Bishop Odo    Strong Tower
Rugnir 10801 Bishop Odo Strong Tower 673,888 1,534