13612 rank

477,209 points

344 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edward the Irritated    air force
Arvahall 8129 Edward the Irritated air force 9,154,507 906
Edward the Irritated    Don't tred on me
Jaims 9232 Edward the Irritated Don't tred on me 1,901,754 647
Edward the Irritated    Leitner
East-Nagach 12237 Edward the Irritated Leitner 665,818 495
Edward the Irritated    Titan's
Cirgard 12946 Edward the Irritated Titan's 546,160 418
Edward the Irritated    Sara's Unicorns
Dunarsund 13612 Edward the Irritated Sara's Unicorns 477,209 344
Edward the Irritated    Total Chaos
Fel Dranghyr 12850 Edward the Irritated Total Chaos 435,525 352
Edward the Irritated    Dirtnap
Yorkton 11908 Edward the Irritated Dirtnap 424,983 366