6413 rank

12,635,959 points

421 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sleezydawn    Guild for the Lazy
Dunarsund 6413 sleezydawn Guild for the Lazy 12,635,959 421
sleezydawn    EverQuest 2
Cirgard 7787 sleezydawn EverQuest 2 5,705,077 108
sleezydawn    Cheeseland
Brisgard 8871 sleezydawn Cheeseland 5,137,656 172
sleezydawn    ForgeFighters
Arvahall 10930 sleezydawn ForgeFighters 3,081,226 39
Jaims 8451 sleezydawn 2,970,440 73
East-Nagach 9247 sleezydawn 2,733,647 69
sleezydawn    just so im in guild
Fel Dranghyr 9136 sleezydawn just so im in guild 2,339,174 60
sleezydawn    Bossplayerrs'
Greifental 9039 sleezydawn Bossplayerrs' 2,320,190 52
Houndsmoor 9746 sleezydawn 2,301,620 48