5873 rank

14,820,402 points

18,408 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leander 723 the Merciful   
Dunarsund 5873 Leander 723 the Merciful 14,820,402 18,408
Leander 723 the Merciful   
Houndsmoor 7447 Leander 723 the Merciful 6,812,782 9,356
Leander 723 the Merciful   
Qunrir 6785 Leander 723 the Merciful 6,232,285 8,532
Leander 723 the Merciful   
Rugnir 7070 Leander 723 the Merciful 4,929,503 7,270
Leander 723 the Merciful   
Jaims 8541 Leander 723 the Merciful 2,714,763 6,512
Leander 723 the Merciful    NIRVANA
Carthage 4581 Leander 723 the Merciful NIRVANA 1,438,345 2,604