14677 rank

312,279 points

272 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mikie 75    Guardians of Skaikru
Vingrid 152 Mikie 75 Guardians of Skaikru 1,546,160,552 356,949
Mikie 75    Brick Eater
Arvahall 10496 Mikie 75 Brick Eater 3,693,719 5,580
Mikie 75    Wishing Wells
Brisgard 13156 Mikie 75 Wishing Wells 812,052 3,534
Mikie 75    The Hideout
Dunarsund 14677 Mikie 75 The Hideout 312,279 272
Mikie 75    EUE
Greifental 14492 Mikie 75 EUE 171,099 328
Mikie 75    Slackers United
Tuulech 13417 Mikie 75 Slackers United 154,949 208