7532 rank

7,632,100 points

2,419 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dulce    Zero
Dunarsund 7532 Dulce Zero 7,632,100 2,419
Dulce    Prince of Peace
Xyr 7197 Dulce Prince of Peace 6,147,837 1,892
Dulce    Pangaea
Parkog 6796 Dulce Pangaea 5,717,097 1,808
Dulce    Native Americans
Houndsmoor 7956 Dulce Native Americans 5,705,681 2,082
Dulce    the big dog
Qunrir 7090 Dulce the big dog 5,280,170 1,690
Dulce    United City States
Walstrand 6714 Dulce United City States 5,262,078 1,602
Dulce    The Ramen Empire
Tuulech 7067 Dulce The Ramen Empire 4,750,433 1,834