9435 rank

2,917,155 points

1,784 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kingston 138foreal    just to fulfill ques
Dunarsund 9435 kingston 138foreal just to fulfill ques 2,917,155 1,784
kingston 138foreal    fulfilinquest
Cirgard 11728 kingston 138foreal fulfilinquest 884,907 1,188
kingston 138foreal   
Houndsmoor 18337 kingston 138foreal 61,304 55
kingston 138foreal    no name 420
Xyr 18103 kingston 138foreal no name 420 60,723 78
kingston 138foreal    House of Rising Sun
Arvahall 22753 kingston 138foreal House of Rising Sun 51,901 132
kingston 138foreal   
Noarsil 16769 kingston 138foreal 40,220 41
kingston 138foreal   
Yorkton 19339 kingston 138foreal 20,548 85