15377 rank

231,537 points

130 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sluggo the slayer   
Sinerania 456 Sluggo the slayer 678,498,115 191,227
Sluggo the slayer    Scotlandish river
Jaims 13651 Sluggo the slayer Scotlandish river 242,642 171
Sluggo the slayer    Just a Guild
Dunarsund 15377 Sluggo the slayer Just a Guild 231,537 130
Sluggo the slayer    Peace Keepers
Fel Dranghyr 14252 Sluggo the slayer Peace Keepers 230,517 171
Sluggo the slayer    Super Casual
Cirgard 15606 Sluggo the slayer Super Casual 192,994 189
Sluggo the slayer    Be jelly
Arvahall 18992 Sluggo the slayer Be jelly 189,325 208
Sluggo the slayer    woodscar
Houndsmoor 15715 Sluggo the slayer woodscar 184,181 165
Sluggo the slayer    just for fun
Brisgard 17203 Sluggo the slayer just for fun 183,299 144
Sluggo the slayer    Lantian Kindred
Greifental 14351 Sluggo the slayer Lantian Kindred 183,203 201
Sluggo the slayer    do nothing
East-Nagach 15245 Sluggo the slayer do nothing 181,892 165
Sluggo the slayer    Domionagoni
Odhrorvar 13342 Sluggo the slayer Domionagoni 181,476 150
Sluggo the slayer    The Unicorns
Zorskog 13298 Sluggo the slayer The Unicorns 176,327 184
Sluggo the slayer    Stoners & Loners
Yorkton 14125 Sluggo the slayer Stoners & Loners 173,862 232
Sluggo the slayer    Magikville
Vingrid 13924 Sluggo the slayer Magikville 170,856 161
Sluggo the slayer    ACHORADOS
Parkog 13474 Sluggo the slayer ACHORADOS 170,744 172
Sluggo the slayer    newcomers
Tuulech 13258 Sluggo the slayer newcomers 168,870 166
Sluggo the slayer    Tacos and beer
Qunrir 13622 Sluggo the slayer Tacos and beer 168,085 121
Sluggo the slayer    Lone Star
Walstrand 13208 Sluggo the slayer Lone Star 161,416 154
Sluggo the slayer    60s Tha Great
Angkor 13486 Sluggo the slayer 60s Tha Great 155,667 178
Sluggo the slayer    LazyBums
Langendorn 14033 Sluggo the slayer LazyBums 152,155 136
Sluggo the slayer   
Mount Killmore 16912 Sluggo the slayer 150,133 137
Sluggo the slayer   
Korch 14819 Sluggo the slayer 146,547 135
Sluggo the slayer   
Xyr 15951 Sluggo the slayer 143,976 162
Sluggo the slayer    just playin
Noarsil 14237 Sluggo the slayer just playin 130,883 153
Sluggo the slayer   
Uceria 14391 Sluggo the slayer 126,438 117
Sluggo the slayer    Treacherouspisflap
Rugnir 15656 Sluggo the slayer Treacherouspisflap 70,462 128
Sluggo the slayer    The Pirates
Birka 14392 Sluggo the slayer The Pirates 26,425 91