3690 rank

50,110,739 points

44,987 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DT the Strong    Ice Warriors
Jaims 1328 DT the Strong Ice Warriors 219,519,805 127,174
DT the Strong    🔥The Celtic Terror
Zorskog 2566 DT the Strong 🔥The Celtic Terror 52,218,277 43,620
DT the Strong    K.I.S.S.
Dunarsund 3690 DT the Strong K.I.S.S. 50,110,739 44,987
DT the Strong    Άλφα
Birka 2158 DT the Strong Άλφα 32,629,433 88,206
DT the Strong    Our Skyr
Dilmun 1650 DT the Strong Our Skyr 14,359,877 28,501
DT the Strong    Red Crown's Lion
Houndsmoor 6084 DT the Strong Red Crown's Lion 13,682,656 5,037