7289 rank

7,299,703 points

1,841 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Tone of QB   
Arvahall 8064 The Tone of QB 8,304,276 2,346
The Tone of QB   
Dunarsund 7289 The Tone of QB 7,299,703 1,841
The Tone of QB    Constitutionalists
Brisgard 8269 The Tone of QB Constitutionalists 5,600,909 1,629
The Tone of QB   
Houndsmoor 8146 The Tone of QB 4,609,147 1,190
The Tone of QB    Antrockville
Korch 7518 The Tone of QB Antrockville 4,389,943 1,442
The Tone of QB   
Fel Dranghyr 7989 The Tone of QB 3,913,703 1,395
The Tone of QB   
Noarsil 7569 The Tone of QB 3,775,687 1,022
The Tone of QB   
Yorkton 7608 The Tone of QB 2,961,562 923
The Tone of QB    Shadow Hunters
Parkog 7832 The Tone of QB Shadow Hunters 2,812,044 1,232
The Tone of QB   
Vingrid 8008 The Tone of QB 2,775,059 909
The Tone of QB   
Xyr 8878 The Tone of QB 2,544,036 849
The Tone of QB    NoKoMpRoMiSe
Zorskog 18858 The Tone of QB NoKoMpRoMiSe 22,312 66