5147 rank

23,056,618 points

22,765 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Camelot II    The Trade Federation
Greifental 3518 Sir Camelot II The Trade Federation 48,898,658 73,340
Sir Camelot II    K.I.S.S.
Dunarsund 5147 Sir Camelot II K.I.S.S. 23,056,618 22,765
Sir Camelot II   
Xyr 5417 Sir Camelot II 14,515,754 15,015
Sir Camelot II    Sidekicks
Zorskog 5891 Sir Camelot II Sidekicks 7,525,002 9,721
Sir Camelot II   
Angkor 6939 Sir Camelot II 3,958,268 4,324