4722 rank

28,998,981 points

5,517 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Sinerania 1001 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 323,510,373 51,431
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Yorkton 1323 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 182,077,448 22,358
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legàcy
Cirgard 1750 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legàcy 172,904,655 22,616
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lègacy
Korch 1697 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lègacy 171,167,314 21,387
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legácy
Fel Dranghyr 1817 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legácy 163,230,335 21,670
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Xyr 1437 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 163,116,262 21,622
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Légacy
Qunrir 1683 Irene 1277 the Prophet Légacy 160,195,568 21,516
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
Jaims 1702 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 158,507,810 21,175
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Greifental 1843 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 153,911,966 21,237
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Noarsil 1900 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 133,586,257 18,193
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacý
Tuulech 1816 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacý 129,694,197 18,161
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãcy
Arvahall 2698 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãcy 118,180,527 13,251
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Angkor 1550 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 114,675,325 13,193
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Dilmun 614 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 71,302,924 8,746
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
Houndsmoor 3432 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 55,463,702 8,169
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lega¢y
Brisgard 3665 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lega¢y 54,907,806 7,830
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Carthage 1303 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 37,856,079 6,442
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâçy
Vingrid 3806 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâçy 34,053,630 6,038
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgaçy
Uceria 3826 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgaçy 33,944,266 5,984
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãçy
Birka 2171 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãçy 33,661,612 6,106
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgâçy
Zorskog 3277 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgâçy 33,470,920 6,013
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legaçy
Rugnir 3869 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legaçy 32,959,149 5,920
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãçy
Walstrand 3612 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãçy 32,750,565 5,954
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãcy
Odhrorvar 3942 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãcy 32,360,077 5,976
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legãcy
Mount Killmore 4468 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legãcy 31,854,991 5,941
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgãcy
Parkog 3869 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgãcy 31,723,744 5,976
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legâcy
Langendorn 4080 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legâcy 30,957,977 5,714
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Lêgacy
East-Nagach 4557 Irene 1277 the Prophet Lêgacy 30,868,740 5,592
Irene 1277 the Prophet    Legacy
Dunarsund 4722 Irene 1277 the Prophet Legacy 28,998,981 5,517