10332 rank

1,799,529 points

1,461 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Perseus 867 the Bloody    The Kraken Odyssey
East-Nagach 394 Perseus 867 the Bloody The Kraken Odyssey 877,802,763 206,038
Perseus 867 the Bloody    Vacationparty
Korch 5308 Perseus 867 the Bloody Vacationparty 16,042,484 10,896
Perseus 867 the Bloody    Vacay
Cirgard 6746 Perseus 867 the Bloody Vacay 9,434,553 7,283
Perseus 867 the Bloody    Velen
Rugnir 8808 Perseus 867 the Bloody Velen 1,834,307 1,887
Perseus 867 the Bloody    Demon Horsemen
Dunarsund 10332 Perseus 867 the Bloody Demon Horsemen 1,799,529 1,461